- Origine : États-Unis
- Date de sortie : 2021
- Genre : Drame
- Acteurs : Nicole Alexander, Ciera Angelia, Glenn Plummer, Demaris Harvey, King Wesley, Dion Shepherd Jr., Zahirah Muhammad
- Réalisateur : Darren Brown, Donald Bolton
- Qualité : HDLight
- Traduction : VF
- Allocine Rating: 7.4 (608 votes)
Synopsis et details: Dans le film Voir Film Dymez en streaming Vf,
Dymez is a drama/comedy about three young women that plans foolish heists with their SMART phones. The three ladies will soon find out that L-O-V-E is not the only 4 letter word that will break their heart, F-A-T-E is the other. Dealing with men is not easy, and it's going to take team work to make their scheme work. Will their old ways get in the way of making their new life? Does change really make cents and at what cost?rn
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